
Days 1 - 3

Despite being in full recovery mode from work and also trying to shake my wicked cocktail of flu and sinus infection, I dove straight into project after project on Day 1 of being a Housewife.  I didn't plan to do so many things, it just sort of happened as one success would inspire me to do something else!  I'm going to include the age of the projects as I list them out - I have some really old projects that I'm getting to!

Day 1:
I felt guilty about quitting my job and staying home, but also such an increasing sense of happiness and I felt the stress receding and tranquility and possibilities coming in!

I went to my first monthly neighborhood garden club meeting.  Several of the ladies asked if I was new to the neighborhood and I sheepishly admitted that we've been here for 6 years!  It was really fun and I'm looking forward to actually making some friends in the neighborhood.  I grew up in the woods with only a few neighbors, so I have no frame of reference for what it's like living in a neighborhood with lots of people.  Our neighborhood was built in the 50's and being at the garden club meeting (especially now officially being a housewife) gave me a real feeling of going back in time - though no one was wearing a nice dress and pearls : )

- 4 years - dragged the extra roll of chain link fencing, roll of wire, and extra fence posts to the street... they were gone within minutes, and I wondered why I hadn't done it years ago! (I love the street fairies!)
- 3 years - dragged our old extra grill to the street with the extra propane tank.  The propane tank disappeared in minutes and the grill was gone within the hour.
- ongoing - weeded a flower bed in front of the house
- ongoing - got 4 paint samples for the shed which needs painting very badly
- 1 year - swept off the back patio area and got rid of all the broken pots and other trashy stuff

the patio afterwards, so pretty!

a close up of one of the tulip beds on the patio.  so cheerful!

Day 2:
Feeling great! (even though I'm still recovering from my illnesses)

- new - planted petunias in my front porch flower boxes!
- 2 years - met with someone to see if they thought our lovely but falling apart pergola could be fixed up or was becoming unsafe and should be taken down.  He said that it could probably be fixed but we'd need to replace several columns and add more in the middle because the span is too much - he also was not pleased with the fact that it's held to the house with just 3 bolts attached to the fascia board (it's 20'x20')
- 1 month - ordered a magnetic sheet to put my giant pac man wall stickers on so they can become fun fridge magnets!
- 1 year - ordered a map and pins so I can put our travels on the map and laugh about all the places we've been to in the past few years (I know my dear husband will not want to see this project completed, he's tired of traveling)
- 2 years - screwed eyes into the frame of one of my grandmother's paintings and put wire on another, so I finally got to hang up two more of her watercolor miniatures!
- 3 years - finally shortened the living room curtains.  When I made them, I just folded some purchased curtains in half and sewed a casing and they've always been too long.
- 9 months - finally started the curtains for the master bath.  Last year we put pretty white and cobalt blue tiles on the floor and I've been wanting to replace the brown and orange curtains ever since!  I got one curtain done and left the other to do in the morning!
the living room curtains before and after... why didn't I bother to shorten them sooner?

Day 3:
I felt great as I soldiered on with the bathroom curtain project.  Curtains are SO BORING to make and I suppose that's why I never bother to do them right (until now).  I was really tired and I think that's from overdoing it on Thursday and Friday while still trying to recover from being sick.

- new - started this blog!
- new - got pretty fabric to make covers for our ugly patio chair cushions!
- 1 month - sewed the button back on my knitted slippers (seems simple and not noteworthy, but I seem to never find the energy to do any sewing for myself, even as simple as sewing a button back on)
- new - got seed packets and trays and started lots of seeds... sunflowers, candytuft, shasta daisy, zinnias, sweet peas, and morning glory!
- ongoing - planted 5 new May Night Salvia plants with the two I already have
- 9 months - finished the bathroom curtains!
our bright and cheerful new curtains!


  1. I love the new bathroom curtains! they're so pretty!

  2. Man. I'm exhausted just reading that!! I'm so impressed with your progress...can't wait to see more.

  3. thanks, Meghan! Turns out that I was pretty exhausted doing all of it too! Hopefully soon enough my projects will get out of the boring/practical phase and more into crafty fun!
