
Checking in on the gardening

I took these photos in August and September to check on the progress of my flowers and little garden.  I was gone for a lot of the summer, so I am giving equal credit to our friend Luke who housesat and generously took care of the plants as well.

Now that we're settled into autumn, the flowers are winding down.  I do still have a lot of happy zinnia, cosmos, and marigolds.  The butterfly bushes have some flowers left but definitely aren't in full glory anymore.  My mom and I bought some perennials at my local nursery's fall sale and they're settling into the ground now.  A few are looking a little shocked, so I'll wait a bit and put pictures up once they perk up.

proof that butterflies loved my butterfly bush!

flowers from the yard... cosmos, zinnia, butterfly bush, marigold

butterfly bush, canna lilies, zinnias

some of my little sungold tomatoes

The pumpkin vine really rocked it out this year, making the shed look even better!

morning glory growing up onto the shed
a pepper!

my finest batch of pumpkins ever (the only one really)

slightly overgrown zucchini

my cute little bell peppers

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