I thought that posting our tin roof scrap on Craigslist would be a great non-energy consuming project! I took some photos and measurements and posted it in the free section. Within minutes, I had received several emails from people who just couldn't wait to come get the roof. (Why didn't we do this 5 years ago when we demolished the shed???)
What I didn't think of with this genius idea of mine was that
1) anyone would want it
2) we don't want strangers traipsing around the backyard to get the thing
3) how was it going to get into the driveway so someone could pick it up?
Well, unfortunately, I'm unstoppable. Despite being ill with this particular thing for a week, and with other things for the 3 weeks prior, I thought... maybe I could move it. (mind you, at 92"x106" it's approximately the size of my car and it still has the little wooden beams nailed underneath it) My body is hurting a lot less and it's really hard to admit to myself that I'm still pretty ill and need to take it easy.
I dragged it a few feet and thought "this sucks but I could probably go a little further." I got it to the gate and thought I'd go ask my neighbor for help getting it through. He didn't answer the door so I went home dejected and wondering what to do. Bob called soon after and I hesitantly told him what I was up to. I told him that I'd gotten it halfway there and couldn't go through the gate alone and that I'd scratched my finger on one of the many nails sticking out. "I'm unstoppable" I said as my voice cracked into a teary one. After we got off the phone, I went to take another look. (I should put in here that Bob in no way is supporting me doing stupid stuff like this! He wants me to rest!) This time (with gloves), I figured out that if I turned it 90 and opened the other half of the gate, and then used my Jedi mind powers I could get it through. Well, I did. Actually, I went around my car through the yard so it wasn't totally a Jedi mind trick, but it looks like it in the photo!
Yay! Sorry Mom!
This is me wagging my finger at you, daughter! By the way, you come by this trait naturally.