I'm feeling a lot better and am on the road to recovery! I wish I knew what was going on, but the doctor hasn't really figured it out yet. I'm getting more blood stolen from my arm tomorrow morning and they're going to run more tests and hopefully we'll find an answer soon.
I'm SO READY to start doing cool stuff again! I'm not one who ever gets bored, but this past few days I've really been getting close to boredom since I'm at home with all the time in the world to do stuff, and am unable to really do things. My hands are working better, so I'm thinking the map project is next!
I'm also thinking that this is a great time to work on the projects that we need to hire other people to do! I love this gnarled old redbud tree, but for the first time, I've noticed that we have a completely gorgeous giant double flowering cherry tree behind it! The redbud is dying and has dropped two large branches in the last year, so I'm going to have it taken out so that we can better see the cherry tree, dogwood, and Japanese maple behind it!
can you find the double cherry behind the ivy tangled gnarled redbud?
This is another project I'm hoping to push through soon... our treacherous but totally awesome pergola. Hey carpenters, see any structural issues? hehe. I'm thinking that adding lots of screws and replacing the cracked and bowed columns will make it safer. We love the size of it and it seems costly to try to build a new one.
it's listing out just a little : )
we have 3 of these holding the 20' x 20' structure to the fascia board (hopefully they're also attached to the roof joists or something as well)
some of the pretty flowers growing in our yard right now!
This is the latest of my grandmother's orchids to bloom! Mom soaked all of the orchids for me on Friday night, and she took this one down which I never do. It just gets water poured into the plastic tray underneath so I just leave it hanging. When she took it down, we were both amazed to see 3 fully formed flower stalks just days away from blooming that had been growing facing out the glass door out of sight! She put it back with the blooms facing us and today they popped open! I'm thrilled and I guess getting to see these blossoms this is the silver lining in my mysterious illness. I never would have seen them if she hadn't taken the whole basket down!
My walking iris plant bloomed again today! The blooms only last a day so it's a precious fleeing excitement! It's growing lots of little buds and this is only the 3rd day in 2 weeks that I've seen blossoms, so it's still very new and exciting. This was also my grandmother's plant. It's HUGE, about 3' across and all spiky and tropical looking. It's really cool!
If I believed in that kind of stuff, I would think that my grandmother is still looking after her plants. They were pretty much her favorite thing and she had LOTS of them! We split the plants up amongst the family and we all seem to be having good luck with them so far. She died in November and so far, I've had blooms on the walking iris, cactus, and 4 orchids (one of which bloomed from November until the end of March!)